Gregory Heintschel DDS, MBA – Chief Dental Officer:
“Our current patient demographic is such that 85% are on Medicaid and 15% are the working poor. Of that percentage 60% are children and 40% are adults. In 2007 we had seven original practices. We've grown today through 21 facilities located throughout the state. Four currently in the works and we operate out of seven hospitals.”
Tracy Cedar – Regional Clinic Administrator:
“The difference that I see from Dentrix Enterprise to the other programs that I am familiar with is it's definitely user friendly and very friendly to the dental environment. It's sensitive to the needs of a dentist, the way that all of our codes are listed in the system and we can use the multi codes and things so that if we have a denture patient we can link all their appointments together.”
Dr. Heintschel:
“In the public health sector, the dental public health sector, we find that we have to provide more services on less money. And through our centralized database of Dentrix Enterprise we are able to have a central office here in Boyne City that we accommodate functions like human resources, billing, accounting, our IT department, and many of our management functions, centralized here which is a cost savings that allows us to move forward.”
Tracy Cedar:
“The value I see in it, being responsible for five clinics, is that I can make one phone call to one person and get the answer to the questions that I need. I don't have to contact five individual clinics not knowing who might be answering the phone or who might be looking at that information, maybe not interpreting what I really need to have.
“Coming from a system that was not dental friendly at all it was such a relief to see something that made sense for the dental field.”
Larry Keys – Director of Information Services & Technology:
“I'm currently involved in a project for a company that's doing surveys for us and I'm able to easily pull the data of two weeks of appointments with our patients. I'm able to do this efficiently within an hour and half.”
Tracy Cedar:
“If we lost Dentrix Enterprise tomorrow I don't know if we'd be able to find something that could fill it’s shoes.”
Dr. Heintschel:
“I feel very confident saying that without Dentrix Enterprise our company as it is today would not exist. And the patients that we take care of throughout the state of Michigan would not be receiving the care, or the level of care, that they are today.”
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Gregory Heintschel DDS, MBA
Michigan Community Dental Clinics